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Need Help/FAQ

I found a seriously injured or sick cat.

After Hour Emergecy Contacts

Local options -with emergency dispatcher on call


Alpine Vet  Hood River  OR 541.386.6658. 

300 Frankton Rd

Hood River OR


The Dalles Veterinary Hospital The Dalles OR 

Phone: (541) 296-9191

408 West 3rd St

The Dalles, OR 97058

DoveLewis  - 24 hour emergency animal hospital open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for emergency and critical cases.  They may be able to tell you if indeed this is an emergency.

24-Hour Hospital Main Line: 503-228-7281 Portland OR

You may contact us also. Please recognize we are a volunteer organization and not available 24 hours a day.

Stray cat(s) showed up at my home.

Depending on if the cat is friendly or feral, here's what we can do to help.

  • Spay or Neuter: If you are within the areas we serve we can fix the cat the cat at our donation-based, nonprofit clinic in Lyle, WA. Please make an appt. Make a spay/neuter clinic appointment.

  • If the cat is feral we  will fix, vaccinate and treat it for parasites. Generally, a feral will have to go back to the place of origin to a  caregiver who agrees to provide feed and shelter. This is called 'Trap Neuter Return' a proven way to humanly reduce breeding.... Here's information about our Trap-Neuter-Return program

  • If the cat is stray, homeless cat and friendly first try to determine if it is a stray homeless cat or just lost... Visit this page to determine if the cat has a home.  If stray and friendly make an appt at our clinic. We will: 

    • Fix and vaccinate it, test it for feline leukemia/FIV, treat it for parasites, and microchip;

    • Access for intake it into our adoption system. We have no shelter and depend on foster homes.​  We may ask you to foster the cat until we have space for intake.

Found A Kitten(s)​

  • If you have found kittens, we must have all of the kittens AND the mother cat so they can be fixed. If friends or family would like one of the cats, they can still adopt it through us. 

  • Contact us thru our spay/neuter clinic appointment form

I want help trapping a feral cat.

We have a Trap-Neuter-Return program in which we fix the cat and require it to be returned to the original location to someone who will feed it and provide a shelter. This is the proven solution for dealing with feral cats. It stops breeding and is humane. 

  • We will provide a trap for a refundable deposit and show you how to use it. On rare occasions, we may have a volunteer who can help you trap. 

  • We cannot relocate the cat. Sometimes we have barn homes to relocate to but this is not a given or a promise. 

  • We will not trap or assist you in trapping cats simply because you want them gone or so you can take them to a shelter. Unsocialized cats taken to a shelter are killed.


I want to adopt a cat.

Please visit our Petfinder page. There you will see who is currently available for adoption. Most of our adoptable cats and kittens are at one of two of our Petco Adoption Partners in the Portland, Oregon, area. They will have the most up-to-date information on availability. Call them:

  • Glisan St. Petco, 6655 NE Glisan St., Portland, OR 97213. (503) 231-2466

  • Lake Oswego Petco, 333 S State St, Lake Oswego, OR 97034, 1-503-635-5324


Please do NOT submit an application or inquiry online to us — it will only slow down the process.

I lost my cat.

Please read what you can do to find your cat.

I found a pet cat.

Please read what you can do to find the cat's home.

I want to volunteer for Columbia Gorge Cat Rescue.

Excellent! We always need help. Please fill out our volunteer form.

I want to be a foster home for kittens and/or cats.

We always need fosters, too! Please fill out our foster parent form.

I can provide a barn home for feral cats.

That's great! Please read about our Barn Home program and fill out our Barn Cat Agreement.

I have cat food to donate.

Please deliver unopened cans or sealed bags of cat food to Parkhurst Place Assisted Living any day of the week during regular business hours -- no need to call first. Parkhurst Place, 2450 May St., Hood River, OR. Please do not donate other cat supplies.

I want to donate money to Columbia Gorge Cat Rescue.

Wonderful! Please learn how here.

I need financial help to help a cat with medical problems.

Please contact Adopt-a-Dog in Hood River: (541) 354-1083 or

They have a voucher program to help both cats and dogs.

I need to find a new home for my pet cat.

Our mission is to assist to stray and homeless cats only, and because we are such a small organization with no shelter we are unable to take in pets because we physically have no where to keep them. But you can find help at this link.

The organizations below take pets, although they almost always have a waiting list.


  • Oregon Humane Society, Portland, OR - (503) 285-7722

  • Home At Last, The Dalles, OR - but be aware that they have limited space - (541) 296-5189
  • Cat Adoption Team - Sherwood, OR - (503) 925-8903
  • MORE, including Washington state

"I must do something" always solves more problems than "Something must be done." ~Author Unknown

© 2024 Columbia Gorge Cat Rescue

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